Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moon Rider

I have seen the moon's shadow cast on the ground;
ever so deeply dark, yet ever so bright.
it's a beautiful night; the stars shining.

I have traveled to the stars and back.
seeing each as diamonds in the sky
their brilliance shatters the midnight

I have walked a long distance to witness
the dew on the grass begins to form
a warm breeze swept over the land

I have noticed dark times in my life
yet this moment is changing me
I am noticing things in life for once

I have seen a dark horseman in my dreams
he haunts me only on a full moon
my dreams are a mirror of my life


  1. Great title. You do a fantastic job describing a scene and the contrast between light and dark is lovely. I like how you transition from a place of peace to a haunted feeling. Nice job.

    -Stanza 3: each line seems like a different image - how can you connect these?
    -Stanza 2: i love, "their brilliance shatters the midnight" - describe stars with something else as's already been done :)
    -Stanza 1: I think you could revamp your 2nd two lines. Don't use rhyme and make them less choppy.


  2. Dude awesome! I envy your skillz! Oh, and here's a billion bucks! XD
